
Laboratory of Non-Formal Education

11th June 2020 from 14:15 in H40

Inspiration, motivation, innovation

Come to the laboratory! We will experiment, test, discover, improvize and maybe even juggle. Our laboratory misses the chemical equipment, but instead of that, we are offering you inspiration, motivation and innovation in non-formal education in youth work. 

  • We were thinking for so long, if it’s possible to have the conference live and virtually, that we have decided to test it. This little experiment is a result, and you can be part of it. Live and virtually.
  • Our conference is variable. We wanted to share the best practice from the non-formal education “market”. And so it happened, that we have workshops in three languages – Czech, Slovak and English. 
  • As a part of this conference, we will also use our precious e-learning, which will help you set up your learning objectives
  • Within our international cooperation in the project Youth Work Quality Focus , we will bring verified northern perspective on quality in youth work up to your Central European doorstep. 
  • For many years now, we organize educational programme Marker CSCzechoslovakian academy of non-formal education. In the past year, we have come out of our burrow and found out we have a lot to say to the worlds of schools and business. 
  • Inspiration to bring back home. You will have a chance to e-browse our A-Z Book of Non-Formal Education (in CZ) or to purchase it printed for a few crowns. 

*Tested on people*

We test on people and we’re proud of it! All of our activities, methods and approached, transfer of innovation and experience from abroad and from different context is tested on ourselves. We actively transfer them into practice in our educational activities.

Note: For the virtual part, you can purchase ticket only for one workshop, if you cannot choose any in Czech or Slovak.

Purchase a ticket


🕐 14:15 – 15:00
Registration, for those interested, a commented tour through H40 is prepared.

🕐 15:00 – 15:30
Official beginning, introduction

🕐 15:30 – 15:45
Break, division into workshops 

🕐 15:45 – 16:45 

🕐 16:45 – 17:00
Pauza, přesuny na jednotlivé workshopy

🕐 17:00 – 18:00

🕐 18:00 – 18:30

🕐 18:30 – 19:00
Free discussion, networking

Purchase a ticket


🕐 14:30 – 15:00
Registration, testing the connection

🕐 15:00 – 15:30
Official beginning, introduction

🕐 15:30 – 15:45
Break, connection to the selected workshops 

🕐 15:45 – 16:45

🕐 16:45 – 17:00
Break, connection to the selected workshops 

🕐 17:00 – 18:00 

🕐 18:00 – 18:30

Note: For the virtual part, you can purchase ticket only for one workshop, if you cannot choose any in Czech or Slovak.

Purchase a ticket

Laboratory of Non-Formal Education is happening with support and under the patronage of Ministry of Education, Czech Republic.

Are you interested in partnership with us on our mini conferences and other events? Don’t hesitate to contact us on We will prepare the partnership based on the needs and opportunities of your organisation. Naturally, part of it are tickets at a reduced price, logo on all materials etc. We are looking forward for our cooperation.

Laboratory of Non-Formal Education is organised in compliance with the contemporary regulations of the Czech Government on social and educational events. Association of Non-Formal Education undertakes to observe the hygienic rules released by the Ministry of Education during the whole duration of the conference.